Do Something

Like a fat cat, I sat. I sat wondering. Wishing. Wishing I knew what to do.

In the undertone of my breath, I mumbled, "do something with passion but don't waste your time". Somehow do something seems less scary if I don't actually articulate the words (or make them audible).

When I heard Doc Hendley speak, I wasn't surprised at the clarity of his passion for clean water- he has been instrumental in helping thousands of people around the world access H20. I was mostly wondering if he really was as average as he seemed.
"I don't care who you are, if you find something you're passionate about- you will make a difference." -Doc Hendley
Listening to him, I couldn't help but selfishly wonder, would God ever use me? Writing that question makes me cringe because in the back of mind I'm sure God is saying something wise like "you haven't asked" or "I am using you" or "I've been trying to get your attention but you've been too busy to let me in".

Upon further processing maybe the real question is: am I living for 'me' or am I living for 'God'?

Am I really loving God and the people that God loves?


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